What we Offer

Introductory Talk
Traditionally Introductory Talks have the look and feel of a town hall meeting: they are free, open to the public and provide both detailed information as well as a platform for guests to ask questions about the course.
For easier community access during these strange times, Introductory Talks have moved online via Zoom. Contact me for an invitation to our next Zoom Talk. We're looking forward to coming back into the community for these talks in the future.
In our Introductory Talk, I'll cover (briefly!) the origins and history of Vedic Meditation, the science behind meditation and its effects on our bodies and minds, what we've learned about adapting this ancient practice to our modern world, and we'll address the many benefits of a regular practice of meditation like reduced stressed, improved energy, enhanced mood and more.
We'll also have a chance to get to know each other: learning Vedic Meditation is an intimate experience that requires a degree of trust and comfort. I'll walk you through my own journey through Vedic Meditation, the difference it's made in my life, and how I can give you the tools to access your own practice of serenity.
Contact me to learn more!

The Course
Over the course of four consecutive days, we'll teach you how to create your own self-sufficient meditation practice. You'll be fully equipped by the end of the four days with everything you need to do this on your own forever. You'll never need to attend another course, or buy materials, or pay membership fees. You're in, part of the community, for life.
We'll review the origins of Vedic Meditation and how it is just one part of an ancient system of maintaining health and well-being.
We'll learn about the effects of stress on your body and the effects of reducing those stresses immediately and over time.
We'll examine various states of consciousness and what each one means for your mind, body, and practice.
Through one-on-one personal instruction, you'll receive a mantra and be taught how to meditate. That means we'll show you how to sit, how to breathe, and how to deal with intruding thoughts and distracting interruptions. Each day we'll check on and refine your technique.
In every day of the course we'll meditate together, and afterwards you'll have an opportunity to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences: what was easy, what was difficult, thoughts that popped up and how you handled them. We'll provide further coaching and instruction tailored to your needs so your learning experience builds a solid foundation.
There is a limited capacity for each course, but the group sizes do fluctuate. ​
Private courses (for an individual, couple or family) are available on request.

Be Part of a Vibrant Community
As soon as the course ends, you're part of the CitiMind community. No dues or fees, you're part of the family. You'll be able to attend free group meditations with other CitiMind meditators, which is a great place to build connections with others, deepen your practice and ask questions that will expand your knowledge.
You'll also be able to re-take The Course as a refresher as many times as you want at no charge! If you feel like you've fallen off course since you first took The Course, we'll set you right again.
From time to time we'll email our community with updates about other upcoming offerings, group meditation sessions and other relevant information.